Lobbying with results

What is the government's policy in a particular area, how do you influence that policy, which officials, politicians or administrators do you need to talk to and what should you tell them? These are questions that virtually all businesses and organisations regularly run into. Castro will help you with them.

Our services


For many businesses and organisations, government ʻspeaks a different languageʼ. In their daily work, most entrepreneurs and administrators do not talk about motions and amendments, legislative changes, draft zoning plans, subsidy regulations and permit procedures. Yet it is important to know what is going on "in politics. Sooner or later, it can affect your business operations (tremendously). Castro has extensive political experience and knowledge and a good network. We advise companies and organisations on how best to approach their lobbying. It is crucial to start doing this in advance.


The world of politics and lobbying is dynamic. It is important to have the right contacts and respond to current developments. It is also crucial to make friends "when you don't need them yet. By building good relationships, your point of view and position will be well heard or you may even get "a seat at the table. Castro assists many companies and organisations to deal with this in the most effective way possible and also helps make contacts.


Lobbying is a skill on its own. Castro Communicatie trains (new) administrators and directors and others involved in effective lobbying. We do this interactively, with realistic and challenging cases and examples.

Clients we are proud of

View all our cases

ENERGYNEST | Communications

ENERGYNEST is a Norwegian energy company that uses heat storage to help make industry more sustainable. It contracted Castro to become better known, increase network and overall reputation in the Netherlands:

"ENERGYNEST accelerates the energy transition of industry with thermal storage and renewable heat. Since 2023, we have also been active in the Netherlands. Castro helps us to become known in the Netherlands. They do that with a lot of knowledge of the energy sector and a strong network with the media and government. Thank you!"

Mareike Schumm | Head of Marketing & Communications ENERGYNEST

SpiritsNL | Communications & Lobby

SpiritsNL is the trade association of spirits producers, with members such as A Brand New Day, Lucas Bols and Hooghoudt. Since 2021, we have been supporting SpiritsNL with their communications, especially aimed at political-administrative stakeholders.

"Castro has been successfully helping us with communications and campaigns for several years. They have the right knowledge and expertise to get our message across. Our plea to not increase alcohol taxes (the result of this is that more consumers will buy abroad) made the national media and led to a proposed increase being partially reversed."

Betty de Boer | Director SpiritsNL

Flink | Communications & Lobby

Flink delivers groceries quickly that can be ordered online through its app or website. The "flash delivery company" engaged Castro Communications in late 2021. At the time, there were many discussions with various municipalities about where delivery companies could or could not set up shop. Different municipalities dealt with the flash delivery phenomenon very differently. Some saw it as retail, others did not. The result: a lot of confusion about where you could or could not open a location. Castro has been supporting Flink for three years now with contacts with governments and the media. For the Netherlands and regularly for the headquarters.

By making many contacts and having conversations with aldermen and officials of all the more than 40 municipalities where Flink operates and by pursuing a proactive media policy, the image about flash delivery has improved enormously. It led, for example, to extensive interviews in the Volkskrant and the Telegraaf in 2023 with Flink director Kiesler about how the company ensured all the improvements.

Flink itself has grown so fast that more than a million Dutch people have now ordered from the company.

"Flink has become very popular in a short period of time. We have a lot of contact with the environment of our hubs, the media and the government. Castro is helping us with that excellently. Fast and pragmatic."

Robin Kiesler | General Manager Flink Netherlands

Our clients include: